Thursday, August 11, 2005

Time is on my side

Got this from a few of my friends...

20 years ago I...
1. Was 7.
2. Was changing schools and having no friends, again.
3. Was a Girl Scout
4. Thought I wanted to be a waitress when I grew up.

10 years ago I...
1. Was living in San Francisco, in my own apartment, at 17.
2. Spent most of my hours at school or doing homework
3. Thought I wanted to be a costume designer
4. Wore short skirts, big boots, striped tights, and spikes, almost exclusively.

5 years ago I...
1. Was working at my first full-time job in the apparel industry, at 22, which I was really enjoying at that time.
2. Was trying to get my first motorcycle back up and running, as I’d only just gotten it before it crapped out.
3. Was clubbing and socializing and sewing, a lot.
4. Could drink you under the table.

3 years ago I...
1. Was desperately trying to find a new job at 24 since a monstrous woman had been allowed to take over my department and run the company morale into the ground.
2. Was killing time with a not-especially-engaging ex.
3. Was riding motorcycles frequently, and spending lots of time with wonderful friends (Charles!) because of that.
4. Was working on buying my first NEW motorcycle.

1 year ago I...
1. Was working hard at the job that made me feel like an actual career-type-professional person, at 26.
2. Was falling madly for Paul
3. Was nursing the wounds from a pointless SV650 crash, after having ridden the damn thing to Seattle and back by myself with no problems.
4. Was going to my first trade show in Vegas for work.

So far this year I...
1. Have gotten a promotion at said job.
2. Have done my first endurance rally (1000 miles in 24 hours)
3. Have made plans and movements to pay down my student loans, and make future financial goals and framework
4. Have been to Italy and Beijing

Yesterday I...
1. Got my credit report, requested an account number change to help avoid identity theft, and saved $400 on insurance by dropping collision.
2. petted the cats
3. Baked cookies (not very successfully)
4. Missed Charles

Today I...
1. Spent an hour on the phone with the idiots at customer service for (It’s a work thing.)
2. Split the bridge and 101 traffic on a nice sunny day on my SV, with new dirtbike bar setup.
3. Am falling madly for Paul
4. Will go to the Asian Art Museum.

Tomorrow I will...
1. Show up late to work, glad for the Friday
2. Make some sort of complaint about what’s going on or not going on for my birthday.
3. Ride to San Jose with Paul, to hang out with my family all weekend. (me with my mom, sister, and sister-in-law, him with my dad and brother)
4. Drink beer, or wine, or possibly cocktails, and give my sister hugs.

In the next year I will...
1. Pay down my student loans on schedule, and get a new computer
2. Go see the Isle of Man TT races
3. Fall madly for Paul, and consolidate our lives a little to make space for things we want to do.
4. Pet cats and sit in hammocks and drink cocktails with friends

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