Wednesday, December 28, 2005


A few random things:
1.) I love Christmas Music. Right now, a few recommendations:
-Christmas With the Rat Pack. I know, it's a bit obvious.
-Esquivel: Merry Xmas From the Space-Age Bachelor Pad
-Klezmonauts: Oy to the World. I just got this a couple of weeks ago, and it is OMIGOD great.

2.) Pass Left, Move Right. Or, if that's too ambiguous for you "Keep Right Except to Pass." I think this "Slower Traffic Keep Right" crap we have in CA leaves too much judgement to be made by idiot drivers. No one wants to think of themselves as slower traffic. Well guess what? You ARE. Beep Beep!

3.) Chocolate for breakfast.

4.) I need ideas: We have about a week in Ireland. Where should we go? We will probably travel sans car.

5.) Paul has the entire week off of work, and I am totally jealous.

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