Monday, June 28, 2004

My ass hurts just thinking about it

<>Tentative plan. No reservations made yet. (I really ought to get my shit together)

Wednesday: leave work by 6. (I’ll tell everyone I’m leaving at 5:30, and hope to be out by 6)
Ride 4.5 hours to Weed, CA. Check in, say, around 11:30?

Thursday: Up and out of Weed by 8am
Weed, CA to Roseburg, OR: 3hours. Arrive, say, 11:30
Roseburg to Reedsport: 2hours. Arrive, say, 2.
Lunch? Stop to cry and wish I actually had time to enjoy the scenery?
Reedsport to Newport: 2 hours. Arrive around 5.
Newport to Portland: 3 hours, supposedly, but that’s through Salem, on 5, through rush hour. I’ll guess 4 hours, which gets me in around 9.
So much for enjoying and hanging out in Portland! That makes Thursday’s trip a little over 12 hours, with time included for whatever small things come up (no long stops allowed!)

That’s what I get for wanting to make the sidetrip out to the coast. But it’s supposed to be so darn purty, I just can’t resist.

Oh, man, and I can’t lanesplit. On the other hand, if they’re in cruisers, how easily can they catch a lanesplitting motorcyclist? Hmmm…

Friday: out of Portland whenever, up to Seattle (not too far), prolly take the scenic route unless I’ve lost all my riding joy (very possible)

Hang out in Seattle for a few days. I have people in Seattle. I just want to find more tiki bars.

Monday morning very very early, get on the bike and go into sleep-riding mode. It’s a lot of hours down 5 to get to home. 13 hours optimistically, plus stops, holiday traffic, blah blah blah. Ugh.

I know:
No speeding in Oregon.
No lanesplitting.
Apparently, there’s no restriction on earphones in OR or WA. I’m getting more memory to load my RIO tonight.
I think the Oregon gas pump law actually was altered to exclude motorcyclists in the past year or so.

any words of wisdom? Sugestions? Do YOU know where the pirate restaraunt is? Or some tiki bars?


Does this entry come with a free pair of glasses?

Posted by INKandMETAL on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 at 2:40 PM

My ass hurts just thinking about it

<>Tentative plan. No reservations made yet. (I really ought to get my shit together)

Wednesday: leave work by 6. (I’ll tell everyone I’m leaving at 5:30, and hope to be out by 6)
Ride 4.5 hours to Weed, CA. Check in, say, around 11:30?

Thursday: Up and out of Weed by 8am
Weed, CA to Roseburg, OR: 3hours. Arrive, say, 11:30
Roseburg to Reedsport: 2hours. Arrive, say, 2.
Lunch? Stop to cry and wish I actually had time to enjoy the scenery?
Reedsport to Newport: 2 hours. Arrive around 5.
Newport to Portland: 3 hours, supposedly, but that’s through Salem, on 5, through rush hour. I’ll guess 4 hours, which gets me in around 9.
So much for enjoying and hanging out in Portland! That makes Thursday’s trip a little over 12 hours, with time included for whatever small things come up (no long stops allowed!)

That’s what I get for wanting to make the sidetrip out to the coast. But it’s supposed to be so darn purty, I just can’t resist.

Oh, man, and I can’t lanesplit. On the other hand, if they’re in cruisers, how easily can they catch a lanesplitting motorcyclist? Hmmm…

Friday: out of Portland whenever, up to Seattle (not too far), prolly take the scenic route unless I’ve lost all my riding joy (very possible)

Hang out in Seattle for a few days. I have people in Seattle. I just want to find more tiki bars.

Monday morning very very early, get on the bike and go into sleep-riding mode. It’s a lot of hours down 5 to get to home. 13 hours optimistically, plus stops, holiday traffic, blah blah blah. Ugh.

I know:
No speeding in Oregon.
No lanesplitting.
Apparently, there’s no restriction on earphones in OR or WA. I’m getting more memory to load my RIO tonight.
I think the Oregon gas pump law actually was altered to exclude motorcyclists in the past year or so.

any words of wisdom? Sugestions? Do YOU know where the pirate restaraunt is? Or some tiki bars?


Does this entry come with a free pair of glasses?

Posted by INKandMETAL on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 at 2:40 PM

Monday, June 21, 2004

San Francisco Motorcycle Club 100th

<>What a weekend. SFMC turned 100 years old and celebrated all weekend. I was there four days in a row, and now I need to recover.
Thursday night’s meeting was pretty cool. Two things: 1.) a bunch of people came from out of town, as far as New York to celebrate. 2.) they had table service during the meeting. One of my biggest problems has always been not having a beer to get me through the hour long discussions of stupid shit.
Friday they hosted the scooter club’s beer tasting party. Which I almost skipped. Fortunately, I got bored and decided to go. Beer “tasting” is just another word for getting totally fucked up. I went for the darkest they had, and I went for a lot of it. It was tasty. I had told Lionel my theory about not being able to get really drunk and hungover from beer. That you would get full before you got drunk. Apparently, he took this as a challenge. I have no clue how much I drank because after the first couple of beers, my cup never got empty.
Hilarity ensued.
I think we left at like 3 or 4 in the morning, but I don’t actually know.
Saturday I had every intention of going to the morning boxing class at my gym, then heading to the street party by 12ish. Unfortunately, I had a good bit of a hangover working, and couldn’t manage to get out of bed for that. It was a struggle, but I got to the fair around 1:30. And was hungover late into the day. It looked like we were all hungover pretty well into the day, so that was nice. A bit of community suffering is a good thing. The street fair was fun, mostly just to see people. Left to work the eighties club, and came back the next morning for the ride. NOT hungover. yay!
Ride was cool (even though I never got my fender fluff), our group got lost a bunch, but that was OK, since we weren’t in a rush, and caught some extra views. I’d never been to the Marin Headlands before, so that was a treat. Back into the city to the clubhouse and I finally got the pizza I’d been dreaming about since Thursday. Niles and I started a new motorcycle club on the spot, which is so cool I can’t even mention it here. We all made a racket with the rubber duckies left from one of the games, and scattered in the late afternoon, very very tired.

Some of the guys in the club were working their asses off all weekend, and in the weeks leading up to the event. It was a great party, the collection of bikers down from New York, Washington, and a bunch of other places was awesome. If you ride, and especially if you’re local, you should be kicking yourself for missing this… The SFMC has a wonderful collection of biker history in their clubhouse. They have open meetings on Thursday nights, and you should really stop by and check it out, if for no other reason than to peruse the walls of photos spanning the history of the country’s second oldest motorcycle cub. (PS, there’s also a "fountain!")

Friday, June 18, 2004

motorcycle stuff this weekend

<>In case anyone hasn't heard about this yet, the SF Motorcycle Club is turning 100 this year, and throwing several celebratory events this weekend for motorcyclists:

I'll be at the street fair sometime after 11:30 or so, and I definetely plan to make the ride (don't know when)

If you want to join me, let me know...


pssst, I still need fender fluff for the ride :P

Oh, and also, I'm working Saturday night at New Wave City. It will be at 550 Barneveld, which is a really nice space. If you like 80's, let me know if you want to go...

Thursday, June 17, 2004

A Public Service Announcement About Jeans (My eyes! They burn!)

<>I realize that low rise jeans are in fashion. However, please note the following important guidelines:
1.) There’s low rise, and there’s ass-crack low rise. If you aren’t Kate Moss, you should probably opt for the low-ish, not the 4” rise. And if your underwear is hanging out, at least make it something worth seeing. No one wants to see your laundry-day granny panties.
1a.) Sidenote; A thong hanging out a bit is excusable. A thong pulled up high so that 5-6” are exposed, along with the witty text on the front, worn as accessory= very BAD!!!! Why!?!?!?! WHY did you do this to me?!?!?!? I can’t wipe that one out of my memory.

2.) It turns out that pants come in different sizes now. Which means, if the jeans are too tight, it’s actually possible to get a size bigger. If you are a size 10, buy a fucking 10. Don’t think that buying an 8 will make you look skinnier. You’re just horrifying everyone around you with that shelf of fat that hangs out over the squeeze point. (I’ve seen this on fat and skinny people alike, get with it people) Trust me, you will look way better in a size too big, than a size too small.

3.) About those new washes on denim these days: I’m all for it. Yay, creative, different. We’re all a bunch of snowflakes. However, there’s no reason for your jeans to make it look like you just sat in something. All that weird coloration on the ass? Ummmm, no.

Friday, June 11, 2004

Travel news! (change of dates)

Change of dates: to be flexible for a work training thingy that just came up, I'm pushing my trip back a week. So I'll leave 6/30 after work or 7/1 early in the morning, spend 7/2 in Portland, and proceed to Seattle 7/3. Leave Seattle at o'dark:thirty on 7/5 to be back in the City that evening.

I got the time, I got the bike, I'm hitting the road.
I'll be riding up to Seattle for a little weekend trip.
Leaving either: after work on the 24th, or 25th in the morning.
Thinking I'll stay in Portland Friday to see what I can. (I hear there's a PIRATE restaraunt!)
Shoot up to Seattle Saturday am, hang out for a few days, return either: in one shot on Tuesday, or in two legs, leaving Monday and taking a scenic route, and another night in a hotel. I gotta be at work on Wednesday. (bastards!)

Suggestions? I don't know Portland, I'd love to know about must-see-and-do's along the way, and Seattle things I may have missed.

gimmee gimmee travel goodness!



Made it back safely we hope?

Posted by Matthew on Tuesday, June 15, 2004 at 12:16 PM

Thursday, June 10, 2004


I am Ash, from the "Evil Dead" trilogy.
I'm the guy with the...chainsaw.

Which Random Cult Movie Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla





Posted by B. on Tuesday, June 15, 2004 at 8:03 PM

Finally, the French do something useful




Yai!! Screw over-sized cages.

Secondly, the French have done lotsa good things. Get offa the French!!

Posted by B. on Tuesday, June 15, 2004 at 8:04 PM

Thursday, June 03, 2004

New York blows

Back from New York, tired, glad to be home.
New York is a pit of "coolness" which I don't care for.
More specifically, Midtown, sucks.
Last time I was there, I spent some time in the Villages, which was fairly nice.

This time I spent the entire time in Midtown:
stayed at the way-to-trendy Hudson hotel. A nice place, but it's full of hipster trash people and scene. I felt weird every time I walked through the lobby. Gauging by the last trip for work, I had figured I'd have no time to do anything but work, but I was wrong. Monday night we worked, then had dinner with just the Merchandising team, dinner was good, I came home and watched a documentary about Andre the Giant.
Wednesday after the meeting, four of us went to dinner in SoHo. It takes forever to get across town in that fucking traffic. I was scared just to be in the cab in Midtown, I can only imagine riding a motorcycle. Actually, for once, I don't even want to have my motorcycle. After dinner, returned to the Hudson and found myself with time to kill and nothing to do. And in Midtown, walked around for quite some time never finding a bar I could stand. Everything is so goddam cool and trendy there. All I want is a dive bar! Or a pub where the lights are dim so you can't see the stains on the walls. Everything is clean and everyone is wearing designer shoes and ties. Suck, big suck. I love to travel alone, and here, I felt lonely. I fucking hate New York. (at least the business trip area of it)

Finally found a "pub" where the bartender was actually Irish. After an hour of wlkaing, this was clearly the closest I was going to get to an actual pub. After a pint, went back to the Hudson and watched a documentary on Jeffrey Dahmer. Then started in on a documentary about Ed Gein. Fucking great. What a glamourous, happy life I have....
Sweet Dreams, woke up and wandered a bit before joining up with coworkers for the cab to the airport.

Next time I need to find some sort of dirty punk-rock escort service, someone to call up and just take me to someplace that doesn't reek of designer perfume, where I don't have to eavesdrop on conversations about people's pilates, botox, prada shoes, high-dollar vodkas, and low-carb beers. Let's just all get drunk, fight, and fuck. Fucking hipster trash.

Next time, I'll plan to get the fuck out of Midtown, maybe go back to the dive bar I found last time, with no taps, and a bathroom that I think was the inspiration for "The Worst Bathroom in Scotland." People were friendly there at least, and the jukebox was good. And nobody asked what brand of water you wanted.