Sunday, January 22, 2012

OK! So it's been a week, and I bet you thought I would fall off of my weekly blogging wagon already!


It's been an insane week. I'm so far behind! I have not replied to that email you sent me! I know!

It started off innocently enough, sure. I had Monday off of work. But then Tuesday had me sent up to San Francisco for a work thing, which was nonstop until I ran screaming and hopped a Caltrain back home Wednesday night. Thursday, spent in a team offisite thing which really just translated to (OK, now that's three work days away from your work, so you are REALLY REALLY behind now. You don't mind taking these escalations during your bathroom breaks, right?)

Friday I did one thing that I loved. I fought my new Android phone, and I WON. You wouldn't think a simple upgrade would involve installing a Software Developer Kit and running a bunch of crap through Terminal, but then you'd have expected me to take "no" for an answer. OK, so it cost me several hours, but the important thing is my phone still knows who's in charge around here. Take that!

Saturday, I went with my mother and sister to a "Glass Artist for a Day" class here, and it was really fun! I made some stuff and got to play with fire and break glass!

Sunday wrapped up the week nicely with Craft Day! AND AND AND I actually sat down and started and finished something! I took my first stab (literally) at needle felting, and I came up with this little... thing. I found needle felting immensely satisfying and particularly appreciate that I could just sit and FINISH something, not at all like all of those sewing projects I have for years on end. (Hi, "quilt." I'm looking at you.)

In the second picture, you can see some of our other treasures:
  • A giant stein that belonged to Petje, apparently from a trip to Belgium.
  • An empty of Sippin' Syrup (Purple)
  • A train vase, brought to the hospital by my dad's parents when I was born, and then brought to Paul and me when Molly was born.
  • A porcelain bunny which you can fill with cotton balls and then pull out the of the bunny's butt, a baby shower gift for Molly
  • Two pretty Irish tea cups and saucers from my dear aunts' and uncles' Irish shop
  • The cake topper from our wedding: a bride and squirrel-groom. (etsy!)
  • A two-headed rooster, given to me by my husband for our 2nd year anniversary (the china anniversary!) (same etsy!)
  • And finally, the drink nametags we made to have at Grandma Kay's house to avoid the "WHOSE GLASS IS THIS????" issues. We kept Grandma Kay's, since we were the ones who brought the whole getup over in the first place and made her name band.

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