Sunday, January 03, 2010

Having this 4 day weekend has been heaven. I know we had one for Christmas, but it had been stretched thin by family obligations. This weekend was mine! MINE! And I can't remember the last time I felt so well-rested. (no, not even the Wednesday of Christmas week when I came home from work and collapsed after dinner into a 12-hour sleep)

Wednesday night I finished sewing a Christmas present (yes, really) and started another craft experiment.

Thursday I slept in too late to allow for my scheduled errands, and then Paul and I lived it up in Sunnyvale in the following way: we gulped down a bottle of "California Sparkling Wine" on the way to the thrift store, ate a nice dinner at the local Mexican joint, and then wandered around Target drunk, wondering what the hell we could possibly do for fun in Sunnyvale on New Year's Eve. The conclusion was "nothing," so we returned home and had our very first fireplace night using the remnant of a duraflame left by previous tenants. We were in bed by 11, and woken up by the local kids screaming at midnight.

Which was nice because it meant I had saved my overindulgence for the following day, when we went to some friends' house in Alameda, where I drank many the beerz and talked to much and too loud. We saw old friends, and I realized that many of them were the same I spent my last turn-of-decade New Years' with back when the world was supposed to end due to some poor coding bug thingie.

Saturday I had my New Year's headache, a day late, which I scrubbed off at the Farmer's Market and coffee house before my parents came over to bring us more firewood and the Christmas gifts we'd left at their house. Just in time too, because we'd need the new waffle iron since our other one tried to catch fire on Thursday morning. Saturday night I worked at New Wave City.

Sunday I went to my parents' house to finally give Nuno felting a whirl, with mixed results. It was interesting and fun, and one of two projects coming out nice isn't too bad I suppose. Needs more experimenting.

In between I did some goal setting, and we hammered out finances to try to stay on track in the next year, including a series of funny discussions in the past few days about, for instance, whether we can afford to run the electric heater in the bathroom for 45 minutes/day (we can!), and whether we can afford to continue our fancy cellphone service (we cannot). We spent 30 minutes agonizing over dumping netflix or keeping on at the lowest possible subscription, where $4/month still seemed like too much to bear. Then we went and blew the difference on margaritas at the local Mexican joint. Ah! We are so enigmatic!

I also felt very proud of putting a boatload of extra time in at the gym this month, and celebrated by not exercising at all, and eating a bunch of garbage for 4 days. hooray?

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