Monday, October 15, 2012

Weekend! Craft Day!

This Saturday, we had Craft Day. I got out our hot glue gun and burned my fingers long enough to make all these barrettes for Molly:

The two with strawberry printed ribbons are made from ribbons I got from my mom. Those ribbons were used in some clothes/barrettes made for me when I was a kiddo!

I also poked at our Christmas stockings again (I'm going on three years of working on them, and not done yet!) No pictures because they aren't done. But they are *almost* done. And anyone who crafts like me knows that *almost* done is the danger zone of incomplete projects. I swear I will finish them this year!

Molly loved her new barrettes and wanted to carry them around the house, put them in and out of small bowls, etc. She also apparently wanted to lose one of the cuter ones on the way back from Murphy Street last night. Sigh,

Speaking of making things, here's Molly last week in a dress that her Aunt Mary made:

1 comment:

St. John Vianney WebNews said...

Oh wow! A post to Rebecca's blog!